Breakfast. Quick and Easy
Can I just vent for 5 seconds? Day-light Savings Time change in the spring sucks! We cannot seem to get it together yet as we are all dragging our behinds out of bed and struggling to do our morning preparations before school and work. I almost left the house without brushing my teeth -YUCK! O.K. my complaining is done. Breakfast is very important in our home and luckily, I had muffins prepared last night, ready to pop in the oven. Navel and blood oranges were sliced by Isabella, and River helped with the eggs. Where's Logan you may ask? His bus comes super early -his first class begins at 7:45 am. So he left with a muffin and chocolate banana smoothie. We have finally tackled scrambled eggs. They were a mystery for some time. They would always stick to the pan-I don't use nonstick except for crepes and that pan is too small for the number of servings our family needs. And nothing is worse that burnt or rubbery eggs. So here is the low down skinny on scrambled eggs. You have to cook them on med low heat. We use butter in the pan, margarine burns and I never use it-to me it's basically plastic. Honestly, have you ever let that stuff sit out? We did. For 2 months in the garage. You know what happened? NOTHING! There is something wrong with putting that in your body. Anyway, I digress. I use fat free half and half in our scrambled eggs. It seems to me that milk doesn't work well with eggs. They tend to get, well, a little watery.
So step 1. mix a bit of half and half in with your eggs and whisk. 2. Add butter to pan and heat over med-low. 3. Add eggs to pan swirling the pan until they just begin to cook. 4. Use your spatula to gently stir and fold the eggs until just creamy. 5. Give one last quick fold through and slide them onto the platter.
Add salt and pepper if you choose. The whole process with 10 eggs takes about 7 minutes. If you pop your muffins in the over 10 minutes before you begin with the eggs, you'll have everything ready at the same time! Now the time change, I can do absolutely nothing about. But quick and easy breakfast- That I can do!
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